We have launched our Mental Health Patient Experience Survey
Healthwatch H&F has been requested by the West London NHS Trust to carry out a mental health patient experience programme in H&F, Ealing, and Hounslow.
The programme will see our Mental Health Projects and Engagement Officer alongside our patient experience volunteers visit the local mental health services to speak to patients about their experiences and find out how these services can be improved. These visits include monthly mental health inpatient forums at the local mental health units where patients can join us or talk to us one-on-one to discuss and share what has worked well as well as make suggestions for improvements.
At the end of each month, we will produce reports that will highlight good practice and make recommendations of improvements. These reports will be shared with the West London NHS Trust managers so they can make the necessary changes.
If you have used mental health services or been a patient in Lakeside or Charing Cross mental health units in the last 12 months please contact us on info@healthwatchhf.co.uk and we will get back to you to gather your experience of these services.
You can also share your experience anonymously by filling in a short online survey by clicking on the button below.