Evening and weekend appointments - when would you like to be seen?

North West London Clinical Commissioning Group (NWL CCG) is seeking your views about the best times and locations for GP (doctor) and nurse appointments in the evenings and at weekends.
Flyer about a survey on evening and weekend appointments to see a doctor or a nurse

Appointments are currently provided through local GP networks in the evening and at weekends (not necessarily at your own GP practice) and can be booked by calling your own practice or 111.

NWL CCG would like your views on these appointments that are available after 6.30pm Monday to Friday and on a Saturday and Sunday.

Why are they doing this?

Across the country the NHS has asked local practices to review the times to provide appointments at evenings and weekends. They want to capture information to support decision-making and make sure they are providing times, and locations that meet the needs of local people.

The survey will take no more than two minutes to complete and your answers will help them to provide the best possible times and locations for evening and weekend GP services.

The survey is open until 12 June 2022.

Information about how answers to this survey have been used will be published at: www.nwlondonics.nhs.uk 

Take part in the survey